Sorry, it's been rather a long time since my last update, usual excuse that you see on all sites of this nature, "a bit busy with life"!
So, what's been happening then? Well, we (that's me and the misses) are in the process of buying a brand new house, so new it isn't even built yet! At the time of witting it's at "Foundations Stage", which it's been at for about a month and a half now. Supposedly we'll be moving in August/September, the builders won't narrow it down any further. I'm guessing that it'll be September rather than August!
Buying a new house is of course only half of the problem, we have to sell our current flat too. So, we've got some decorators in at the moment to decorate the place, it needs a touch up in nearly all the rooms, just to bring it up to date. Should have done it a long time ago, might not be looking for a new place if we had, but we concentrated on the building side first (knocking two flats together) and never got around to properly decorating most of the flat after that.
Hopefully I won't leave it so long until I update again, but I'm not promising anything!