August 2003
refreshdb 1.4 Available By Ian Jones, Monday, August 25, 2003

A new version of refreshdb has been released!

This version has a few small bug fixes and updates to comments, as well a major change in the position of the process flow for splitting the unload files ready for load into the target database tables.

The split of the unload file now happens as soon as the data has been unloaded from the source table. This enables the refreshdb script to be used to load data into more than one database at the same time, as long as the -u option is used to suppress any further unloads. For normal operation you will not see any real difference in how refreshdb works.

Hope you find this change and the little fixes useful.

Please scoot over to therefreshdb page for more information about refreshdb and to download it.

CityDesk v2.0 Released By Ian Jones, Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Fog Creek Software have just officially released version 2.0 of their excellent CityDesk Content Management System.

This site is now using v2.0 (and has been for a while now), the changes they've made have greatly improved the usability of the software, especially in the scripting ability.

If you're looking for a simple but powerful CMS that will satisfy Web Professionals and Web Newbies alike, you owe it to yourself to have a look at CityDesk.

Now that v2.0 has been released, I'll be updating my CityDesk Templates section very soon, to take advantage of the extra functionality now available.