September 2003
refreshdb 1.5 Available By Ian Jones, Monday, September 08, 2003

Oops, I've found a little bug whereby one more process was run than requested. Not a big bug, but annoying, so I've fixed it.

Also, I seem to have let the -a option creep back in for the split of the unload file, now banished!

You can get version 1.5 of refreshdb from this page.

refreshdb 1.6 Available By Ian Jones, Wednesday, September 10, 2003

I have released another version of my Informix database refresh script called refreshdb after discovering a serious flaw, the below describes what's changed:

Fixed daft "feature" that enabled triggers, indexes and constraints after each chunk of data was loaded. Now enables after all chunks loaded. Seriously improves the speed of the script!

Various small updates to supporting files and added contact details.

You can get the latest version of refreshdb from the refreshdb software page.